Pearson/Brookes : who are you looking at ?


'who are you looking at ?' - performed in Cardiff, Wales, over three nights in February 2004 - marked the second periodic collaboration between Mike Brookes, Mike Pearson and Ed Thomas.

The work took the form of an installation and performance presentation, built on core material produced in collaboration with five young female performers - each documenting 3mins within a particular public city centre location, on the same evening: producing footage, of each location, from three simultaneous and expanding points of view: [1] from a hidden camera on the performer themselves; [2] from a hidden camera, recording their movements, carried by a shadowing colleague; and [3] a wider locating shot taken from within a tracking car.

The event was performed by Brookes, Pearson and Thomas - working around a large central table, on which was arranged all the necessary equipment and material - to enable, assemble and animate: fifteen 3min video fragments; twenty live 1min texts; vocal recordings of the performers in conversation; ambient recordings; live music - and to structure the progression and juxtaposition of this material live within the room of the developing public event.

Three walls of the stripped out space supported video monitors and multiple large scale projection. Spectators gathered informally around parts of the perimeter.


* for related material please try the performance chronology of the archive and the Pearson/Brookes category of the blog

