Our new gallery work Divine Matter is now open, as an invited guest work and intervention within Tot order es vol pur – a retrospective of approaches and project works by Núria Güell – at the centre for contemporary arts Fabra i Coats in Barcelona.

The painter Pere Llobera, who we are collaborating with for this project, is working publicly on the copy of the mid-17th century depiction of Santa Àgueda we have commissioned from him – within the gallery space, one day each week over the duration of the exhibition – while Rosa and I research the materials and relationships that come up through that process. We are curating an informal set of the images that emerge from that research, from found image files all publicly available on the web. Which will also continue to accumulate in the space as the work develops, in ways that will hopefully start to both reveal and complicate some of the wider processes and connections manifest in the physical realities of the painting…

The exhibition will run within the main gallery of Fabra i Coats, Barcelona, until late October…
[ images: by Mila Ercoli and Mike Brookes ]