We have taken up residency in the main studio of Teatre Nacional de Catalunya in Barcelona, for the next couple of weeks, where we have been commissioned to further develop and perform a full new version of the multi-episode performance work Rosa and I first began work on in Chile and Madrid – under the initial title The sky was clearer in those days – a little before the pandemic hit in 2019…

This space is more usually configured as an auditorium, and has been opened up and cleared of as much as possible, to give us all the maximum room to gather and work it will allow. And our tools, screen and protective metal flooring have been put in place for us…

This work remains rooted in the act of publicly dismantling a used family car – and, with the help of a local mechanic and five local young collaborators, we will be attempting to dismantle and break that car down in to its separate parts and materials. And we will again be opening the space and process for a series of five distinct public performances, over five consecutive evenings, each an attempt to open a particular reflective frame and possible perspective onto the act and evolving situation of that deconstruction…

As we consolidate this work, we are reverting to our original wider working title for the project, and calling the full suite of this five-day work On a clear day you can see for ever… And we will be opening the doors onto the first public episode in a little over a week – when we will drive just one of the city’s cars into this space from the streets outside, turn off its engine for the last time, and begin…